Learning Style
What kind of learner are you? There are three different ways people learn:
- Auditory learner: A person who learns best by listening.
This type of person will benefit best by finding someone to study with, to ask each other questions, and to read the study material together. You may also study alone by reading aloud, or by taping the study material and playing it back.
- Visual learner: A person who learns best by reading. This type of person will benefit best by finding some shade under a tree in a quiet place and reading the study material. Peace and quiet is essential for this individual.
- Kinesthetic learner: A person who learns best by physically doing something. This type of person will best benefit by using highlighters or other practical ways to utilize the study material.
Class, Assignment & Study Schedules
Purchase yourself a planner and write down all classes and assignments in the proper dates. Also, acquire your teachers' names, office locations, phone numbers, email address, and any other information you may need to contact your teacher(s) for assistance in the future, and write the information in your planner as well.
Weekly Schedule
Calculating your weekly study time
- There are 168 hours in a week. Write down all activities you follow throughout the week and the amount of time you spend per activity. Add the daily activity hours together to get a weekly total.
- Subtract the answer in number one from 168.
- The answer in number two is the amount of hours per week you have to study.
- Divide the answer in number three by the number of classes you have. The answer you calculate is how many hours you have to study per class per week.
Study Schedule Model
Work 40 hours
Sleep 42 hours
Eating 11 hours
TV 14 hours
Household cleaning 7 hours
Social activities 10 hours
Total 124 hours
- 168 hours - 124 hours = 44 hours per week free for your studies
- 44 hours / 4 classes = 11 hours of study time per week per class
Study Location
Designate a location specifically for studying. If you don't have a spare or family room, a small section of an existing room will do. Locate an area separated from the normal everyday household distractions to complete your studies.
- If you find that your home isn't a practical place to study, you may find that a local library may be a more logical choice. A small desk with your studying materials will do. If a desk is not available, any flat surface will do.
- Make sure that the area is well lit and organized. Choose a specific time when the noise level in your home is at its lowest. If you have children, you may choose to study when they are sleeping.
- The time of day has a direct effect on information retention. Studying in the morning after a good night's sleep is more beneficial then studying late at night when you are tired.
Studying Equipment
Be sure to have all of your studying materials organized and all together. This will reduce the time of preparing to study and increase the overall studying time. The following is a list of possible items to have ready and available prior to your study time.
- Your school planner with all activities and homework outlined.
- Writing utensils (pens, pencils, markers, etc.).
- Highlighters.
- Dictionary, thesaurus, other references.
- Paper (lined, graphed, etc.).
- Folders (each class is to be separated).
- Calculator.
- Tape recorder (if you are an auditory learner).
- If you are not able to purchase a planner, you may create a schedule using Excel.
- If you do not have access to a computer, you may choose to visit your local community free library.
- When purchasing school supplies, you may utilize the internet or view local circulars to obtain the best price for your needed product(s).
- If you have internet access, references such as a dictionary or a thesaurus are available online free of charge.
- Be sure to have a well lit area for your studies. Reading without proper lighting may cause serious eye issues. Reading in improper light can give you headaches, cause your eyes to feel strained, and even cause your vision to deteriorate.
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