Just a sample of how to actually learn in school. To follow this guide, you must actually try to learn.
If you need help, listen to your teacher.
If you don't understand what your teacher is saying, ask him/her questions about what you don't understand.
If you still don't understand, stay after class and ask the teacher to thoroughly explain.
Stay after school if the above doesn't help.
If there's something minor, just ask the person next to you to explain it (this only works if you're sitting next to a smart person who will help you and doesn't get annoyed at questions).
Ask your parents, if no one else can explain to you.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. There are probably at least 3 other people that want the answer to that question you ask, but are too scared to ask.
Your counselor is your best friend. If the course is too advanced for you, switch out. Don't get low grades in the most advanced class.
Be a friend to the Geek/Nerd. Seriously.
If school moves too slowly as it all to often does, read ahead in the textbook. Just don't let the teachers know you do it; the teachers will not let you. (see how to Daydream in class for tips on how to read your textbook).
If no one will help you, check more Internet sites, there are many people who will help you with some problems.
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