Tired of getting bad reports from school? Do you live in England where the education system is totally different from Americans? Are you going into Year 7 or higher? Then this is the Wiki Article for you.
Get good stationery
To 'excel' as a student you need to act like a student. As a student you have to be organised. A basic way to get organised is to buy stationery. Stationery can be bought anywhere but if you want to buy cheap good quality school supplies I would suggest Wilkinsons. You need to buy the obvious: Pens; Black, blue and red (35p for a pack with 5 blue 4 black and 2 red.) Pencils; I suggest the normal pencils (more reliable than lead pencils.) Rubbers; 9p each in Wilkinsons Sharpeners, Highlighters, Punched Pockets, Folders, Dividers.
Have the right attitude
There are five most important years after year 7 which are Year 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. So the attitude must be focused and motivated. The biggest incentive, yes bigger than money is SUCCESS. If you work your hardest in these years you will have success. So be optmistic.
Do your best work
To excel is just to do well, no even better to do your best. So the work must be your best. So the basics are to make sure that all work is well presented and are on time.
- Remember to balance work and friends.
- Focus on all of your strong points.
- Never give in to peer pressure
- Your teachers might be baffled by your change.
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